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Code of Honour

  1. To participate in all Urban Legends Poetry Collective events in a way that encourages, illuminates and supports established standards of goodwill, good sportsmanship, fairness, and community.​

  2. To enjoy an environment in which freedom of speech, self-determination, and the pursuit of creative excellence are inalienable rights.

  3. To refuse to allow the competitive challenge of the poetry slam game or any others to lead me to violence, interference, direct, or indirect threats.

  4. To allow all participants, attendees, staff, and volunteers to participate and pursue their craft peacefully without fear of verbal or physical harm, harassment, intimidation, or assault. Participation will be afforded without censure, regardless of past personal history, unless present actions or associations denote behaviours of hate speech, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, or any other form of marginalization or discrimination and/or any combination of these.

  5. To encourage, embrace, and uphold an environment in which individual and community safety and accessibility are a priority, by engaging in behaviours including, but not limited to, respecting and complying with ULPC’s COVID-19 safety policies, as outlined in our COVID-19 safety plan.

  6. To refuse the intentional spreading of misinformation, harmful or otherwise, especially in relation to COVID-19, vaccines, harmful conspiracy theories, or marginalized communities.

  7. To respectfully use the pronouns of other ULPC participants, attendees, volunteers, and ULPC Organizing Committee members.

  8. To adhere to a consent positive space which includes asking other participants’ permission before touching, filming, taking pictures of, or posting any media of them, and before sharing any personal and/or traumatic experiences with them.

  9. To comply with local, provincial, and federal laws pertaining to individual civil rights and verbal, physical, or sexual harassment.

  10. To abide by all Urban Legends Poetry Collective rules, regulations, procedures and policies, including this Code of Honour, knowing that consequences for breaking the rules/code exist and will be upheld. In the event that one or more ULPC attendees breaches the terms of the Code of Honour, an approach of learning and respectful conversation will be taken when appropriate; further action will be taken in the case of repeated or serious infractions or if the ULPC Director/Co-Directors and/or Organizing Committee members have reason to believe in harmful intent. These actions may include and are not limited to: restraining orders, banning performing/competing for a time period as short as a season and as long as a permanent ban, banning attendance for a time period as short as a season and as long as a permanent ban.

  11. If the Code of Honour is broken, penalties will be determined by the severity of the infraction, according to the discretion of the Director/Co-Directors of ULPC, or, where applicable, the ULPC Organizing Committee.

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